• We are the ♥'s of Burgundyysix:)


  • Loveeees.
  • ♥ Abhiraahmi Elanko
    ♥ Aishwarya Naidu
    ♥ Amanda Quek Min Hui
    ♥ Ashleigh Nicole Yip Yi Lin
    ♥ Aw Jing Ming
    ♥ Celine Lee Qian Hui
    ♥ Charisse Su
    ♥ Charlotte Cheong Xi Si
    ♥ Denise Png Rui Xin
    ♥ Edith Sng Ya Si
    - Elakkia D/O Lakashman
    ♥ Farah Bte Mohamad Saleh
    ♥ Fiona Tan Bei Na
    ♥ Foo Su Yi
    ♥ Gloria Lai JunYan
    ♥ Janna Paulina Lim Li Sing
    ♥ Jill Oh Wai Ling
    ♥ Julia Emma Dcruz
    ♥ Kor Say Min Felicia
    ♥ Kwek Su Gin Kimberly
    ♥ Li Jingrou
    ♥ Ling Chien Hui Nicole
    ♥ Lisa Lim Kai Yin
    ♥ Lu Teresa
    ♥ Malika Kaur Parmar
    ♥ Rachel Anne Chew Ming Hui
    ♥ Rachel Lum Ke En
    ♥ Rachel Tan Kah Min
    ♥ Rachel Tan Sze Min
    ♥ S Sindoori
    ♥ Samantha Jane Chong Shu Yi
    ♥ Samantha Poon Mei Lin
    ♥ Schvelle Ng Shih Ern
    ♥ Shalinya Jeyabalan
    ♥ Simone Lam Zhi Ying
    ♥ Tong Hoi Yi Joanne
    ♥ Verlicia Tan Kai Ying
    ♥ Weers Nicole Alexandra
    ♥ Wong Jing Lin Amanda
    ♥ Wong Li Shan

  • Cravings.
  • • Achieve As and A*s
    • Burgundy 6 to be more lively during Mrs Fauzi's and Mrs Lim's periods
    • Celebrate our birthdays
    • Class Party every term month
    • Class outing
    • Don't make our teachers angry
    • Get Good Marks
    • High PSLE Score
    • Longg reccess
    • More FUN and activites[excursions?]
    If Got Anymore Pls Tag On Tagboardd

  • Our Teachers.
  • Form Mistress (English, Math, Music, Health Education):
    Miss Janice Teo

    Science, Social Studies, Art:
    Mrs Fatimah Fauzi

    Physical Education:
    Mrs Lim Xiao Xin

    Mother Tongue: Streaming


  • Sweet talks.

  • ShoutMix chat widget

    .Sunday, May 31, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :
    Hey BU6,
    Okay,,so now's the "HOLIDAYS". Really a holiday?-NO!

    Haha, and I'm already sick.
    So... we've got to study hard for PSLE and achieve all A*s right?
    And thanks Jingrou and Feli for blogging. I hope during this June holidays more people will come to this blog???
    I wont be blogging much cus i gotta study so anybody who is free may do so. Erm, the homemork is already typed out by Jingrou in the previous post. But I think there is still some more homework in the LEAD PORTAL. Go check out Ms teo's blog if you not sure of anything, but she havn't blog yet but think she'll do so soon: http://www.missjaniceteo.wordpress.com
    And remember, have to go school on the last week of the holidays, so dont go anywhere! I hope i remember...HAHA..
    Okay, so maybe I will be blogging next week or something? Dunno lar, depends...k..
    The Holidays are here!

    Edited by -Jingrou:P
    Burgundyysix ended this post @6:46 PM

    .Friday, May 29, 2009 ' ♥

    Today was the last day of Semester 1! BUT, we can't play... we have to STUDYYYY!!! WHY?!?! I hate this...

    Here is the list of HW you all need to do...

    1) The two Eng Vocab WS
    2) Eng PSLE booklet
    3) Maths PSLE booklet
    4) SS WS
    5) Card thingy that you have to complete 20 stars
    6) Science Set 3 MCQ
    7) Lead Portal
    8) Your own MT HW
    If there is anything else, pls tag..thx!

    Pupils from P6/4 for Chi the HW are..

    1) Memorise 10 Oral pics (11-20)
    2) Chi PSLE booklet
    3) Every Wed-Sun entries (zhou ji) T.T...so muchhh...
    4) Zuo Ye (1 only)
    5) 2 Lianxi Papers
    I can't rmb anything else...tag if there are other things to be added...:D

    REMINDER to all pupils
    22,23,24 June - Supplementary classes.
    - Bring ALL homework
    - Bring Listening Compre Book
    - Bring Textbooks

    REMINDER to class monitors
    1 June - Monitors Training+Leadership Project
    -Bring extra home clothes
    -Bring things that you want to donate to the project

    I'll keep this site updated with the events and HW during June...btw, it will be on THIS post..so rmb to check on this post whenever you come and visit our blog!! Thanks!!:D

    That's all for now...
    Edited by ;JillxD
    Burgundyysix ended this post @3:51 PM

    .Thursday, May 28, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :
    Hey peeeppppppppppps! Just came back not long ago.
    Went out with dodo, eeva and cherina.
    After buying things from parkway went to cherina's house.
    Took bus 10 to dodo's house and went home about 8+
    Tomorrow's founders day -.- *sianssssss*
    Mass again!
    Hols coming!
    Saturday can relax liao :DDDDDDD
    Everyday stuck at home damn sian de lo.
    Haha, hols i think i will be asking dodo, eeva , cherina , keke all that out.
    If not sian si le la, mia audi le, so boring sian of audi liao.
    Everyday read manga to entertain myself -.-
    How about a class party? Dont know la.
    Take care everyone ;D
    Dont fall sick during the holidays. :)

    With love,
    ♥//Felicia ;
    Burgundyysix ended this post @9:34 PM

    ' ♥
    ♥ : HEY!

    It seems weird for me to blog this time..hahaha..anyways, holidays are COMING!!!! but, we have to study....and PLEASE tag/tell me on MSN your b'days!! thanks!

    So far, we have 3 pairs with the same B'day..cool!hahaha..ok this is lame..-.-

    well, i don't think i have anything else to say so...BYE!

    Burgundyysix ended this post @7:24 PM

    .Wednesday, May 27, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :
    Two More Days!:)
    Hey Burgundyy six,
    Holidays are coming...WOOT!!!!
    But still have to go to school like other normal school day.
    Its still so-called a 'HOLIDAY' to relax? Or what? Study for PSLE? argh.
    Tmr Results Day! Wooh! no need go school. What the hell man? Vent the anger on us. Good luck for your results anyway. And founders day is coming! Bleh,,,Boring mass is coming...ok lar, just do it for the sake that you have chosen to come to a catholic school. And please hand up your artpiece leh,ltr Ms teo tell your parents....so bad,,,can anybody help me ask the BU6 their b'day? so diff to ask,,urgh..and anyone got free time can blog? thks
    Holidays are coming!
    *hehe i editted it:P

    Burgundyysix ended this post @8:45 PM

    .Monday, May 25, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :
    Yoyoyo Burgundyy six,

    Yup, we had the change of our ez-link card today. ARGH! I hate the new ez-link card,,,those ppl dunno how to take the picture [you call that experienced???] Yuck! They dunnno zoom in like what shit and some more cannot smile. Dont we agree that our older one was MUCH MUCH MUCH BETTER??? ARGH! Worst, we cannot use it to pay in Mc'Donald's!!!! Stupid Smrt Card! I bet all of you look retarded right???
    And and, why never give Ms Teo any present? She looks so sad. Aiya, never mind i dont even think anyone came to this blog to read. Can you just pass the message around???

    C'mon, please tagg
    ~Editted: Wooh! 3 teachers are now permanent teachers! And Ms Charlene Zhu is one of them. This calls for a celebration. 3 cheers for Ms Zhu, HIP HIP HOORAY! HIP HIP HOORAY! HIP HIP HOORAY!

    I'll reply the tags:

    Fiona TO Jill ♥: Then give us the password lah!
    2009-05-25 3:30 PM
    Anyone who wants the password can ask me, I cant tell you on the net, ppl might spam.

    Fiona TO Jill ♥: Btw, JILL. Why is it only you who can post an entry??? huh?
    2009-05-22 3:51 PM
    Anyone can post if they want to, I'm not stopping you from doing it.

    Fiona TO Chicken ♥: and it is not funny!
    2009-05-22 3:49 PM
    Haha, nice one chicken:)

    Fiona TO Chicken ♥: The "bei ma" when you hover round my blog...
    2009-05-22 3:49 PM
    The white box which appears before you click the name you mean

    Chicken :] / Ashleigh: What name ? o.o
    2009-05-21 10:06 PM
    The one in a white box

    Fiona TO Jill ♥: Oh Jill! Change the name larh!!!
    2009-05-21 4:16 PM
    Sounds nice what,, change for what

    schvelle: harlo!!!
    2009-05-17 3:07 PM
    Hi schvelle!


    Burgundyysix ended this post @5:59 PM

    .Sunday, May 24, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :
    Hey ya'll!!
    Its Ms Teo's BIRTHDAY!
    Woooh!!! Tomorrow must bring alot of presents and give Ms Teo ok???? And SING HAPPY BIRTHDAY.. haha
    Aiya, ask her liao, she dont allow a class party.
    Dont know why but I think its because she wants us to STUDY FOR PSLE!!!
    Ok,,so never mind just wish her happy birthday.
    *****IMPORTANT REMINDER! bring your ez-link card tomorrow for change of new one.
    Wish Ms Teo a very happy happy birthday

    Burgundyysix ended this post @11:45 PM

    .Wednesday, May 20, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :
    Hey hey burgundyy six,
    I havent got a reply from you all. So you wanna have the party?
    And and,,, Farah's birthday is also on the 24th of May! Sorry! Left you out i totally forgot about it. HEHE anyway if anyone sees this post, bring alot alot of presents ok? This blog is dead for 5 months...ok its late,,,
    Stop dying....

    Burgundyysix ended this post @10:06 PM

    .Friday, May 15, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :

    Hey ya'll!

    Exams are over!:) Guess everyones' happy now...HEHE
    Anyway, we still have 140 days to PSLE. JIAYOU BURGUNDYY SIX!

    Wa,,,everyday after the exams that crazy chor chor relief us?? Whats the problem with her? She is....urghs, dont wanna talk about it. She always ACCUSE us! She got proof meh? And why must CHINESE???? AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!

    Ms Teo's birthday is next week on the 24th of May,Sunday. I hope we can have a CLASS PARTY,,on friday? Or maybe monday? Aiya, see whether Ms Teo allow or not.But dont ask her yet,,,she'll get suspicious... Give her a BIG SURPRISE with lots of presents ok? And sing 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY'! What if she doesnt allow???? Hiya, nevermind lars...just give her present and make her HAPPY! After all she's still our form teacher this year.

    I bet some of you aldready planning something special right? Some people like Kah Min...or even the CE6 people..hahas

    Ok,,,this is for now! Gd luck for those taking HMT on monday! May all of you pass your SA1 with flying colours! BYE!!!!:D And can you PLEASE tagg??? Thanks.
    [Btw, if you have a blog pls link it]

    Relax, dont be stressed, exams just passed.

    Burgundyysix ended this post @4:10 PM

    .Wednesday, May 6, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :
    Hey ladies!!!

    Sorry didnt update the blog for such a long time,,,anyone who is free may do so at any time.
    Ok,,,lets start with----SA1 is next week!!!! S-ST-STU-STUD-STUDY!!!!! But dont be stressed out so much.

    This week Ms teo didnt come for 2 days [Ms Choo relieved us...happy???] and the SWINE FLU is still going on, take care of yourself and stay home if you are sick. DONT SPREAD THE VIRUS!

    Anyways, Ms teo's birthday is round the corner..shall we plan a surprise birthday party for her?
    Anyone agrees with that idea? Anyone who has a suggestion please let us know,,

    Had ALOT of homework these few days,,yar,,PSLE coming soon, MUST acheive the goal you set for Ms Teo ok? Dont let her down..

    Ok,i've gtg now..anyone needa reply pls tag
    ** Those who dont know-Minister of Education coming on this friday, Be neat!!!
    Any updates I will try to post soon, for the time being,,i guess just prepare for the exams.
    Good Luck! Study Hard! :)

    Burgundyysix ended this post @8:53 PM

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  • Linkagee.
  • Abhiraahmi Amanda Quek Ashleigh CeriseSix Denise Felicia Fiona Julia Ms Janice Teo Nicole Ling Nicole Weers Rachel Anne Chew Rachel Lee Rachel Tan Sze Min Shalinya Schvelle Teresa Lu Wong Li Shan

    Want to be linked/relinked? Pls link at the tagboard

  • About us.

  • BurgundyyySixx ♥

    We Are All From CHIJ Katong
    Primarry :D But Grad sooon!

    We're In Burgundyy 6 , PSLE!
    Should Be 12 This Year
    Unless Some Are Abnormal :x
    Treat everyone with LOVEEE ♥

    We Joke , We Laugh , We Have Fun . As a class ♥

  • Rewind.
  • March 2009; April 2009; May 2009; June 2009; July 2009; October 2009; December 2009;