• We are the ♥'s of Burgundyysix:)


  • Loveeees.
  • ♥ Abhiraahmi Elanko
    ♥ Aishwarya Naidu
    ♥ Amanda Quek Min Hui
    ♥ Ashleigh Nicole Yip Yi Lin
    ♥ Aw Jing Ming
    ♥ Celine Lee Qian Hui
    ♥ Charisse Su
    ♥ Charlotte Cheong Xi Si
    ♥ Denise Png Rui Xin
    ♥ Edith Sng Ya Si
    - Elakkia D/O Lakashman
    ♥ Farah Bte Mohamad Saleh
    ♥ Fiona Tan Bei Na
    ♥ Foo Su Yi
    ♥ Gloria Lai JunYan
    ♥ Janna Paulina Lim Li Sing
    ♥ Jill Oh Wai Ling
    ♥ Julia Emma Dcruz
    ♥ Kor Say Min Felicia
    ♥ Kwek Su Gin Kimberly
    ♥ Li Jingrou
    ♥ Ling Chien Hui Nicole
    ♥ Lisa Lim Kai Yin
    ♥ Lu Teresa
    ♥ Malika Kaur Parmar
    ♥ Rachel Anne Chew Ming Hui
    ♥ Rachel Lum Ke En
    ♥ Rachel Tan Kah Min
    ♥ Rachel Tan Sze Min
    ♥ S Sindoori
    ♥ Samantha Jane Chong Shu Yi
    ♥ Samantha Poon Mei Lin
    ♥ Schvelle Ng Shih Ern
    ♥ Shalinya Jeyabalan
    ♥ Simone Lam Zhi Ying
    ♥ Tong Hoi Yi Joanne
    ♥ Verlicia Tan Kai Ying
    ♥ Weers Nicole Alexandra
    ♥ Wong Jing Lin Amanda
    ♥ Wong Li Shan

  • Cravings.
  • • Achieve As and A*s
    • Burgundy 6 to be more lively during Mrs Fauzi's and Mrs Lim's periods
    • Celebrate our birthdays
    • Class Party every term month
    • Class outing
    • Don't make our teachers angry
    • Get Good Marks
    • High PSLE Score
    • Longg reccess
    • More FUN and activites[excursions?]
    If Got Anymore Pls Tag On Tagboardd

  • Our Teachers.
  • Form Mistress (English, Math, Music, Health Education):
    Miss Janice Teo

    Science, Social Studies, Art:
    Mrs Fatimah Fauzi

    Physical Education:
    Mrs Lim Xiao Xin

    Mother Tongue: Streaming


  • Sweet talks.

  • ShoutMix chat widget

    .Friday, July 31, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :
    Its the end of July, so I decided to blog:)
    In the morning, Ms Teo said she might be going home as her back was ache-ing.
    Yah, these few days she paste that a lot of Salonpas on her back/neck/body.
    And ytd she couldnt even strain her neck, only could keep it straight.
    She look damn weak just now....
    Gave & assigned work to us,
    We left for Mother Tongue,
    Julia wrote "Ms Teo has gone to see a doctor. Keep quiet and do your work. Mrs Chan will come in every once in a while" on the board.
    I guess Ms Teo really terribly sick. So, Get Well Ms Teo!
    Then, that teacher came to relieve us again. Argh.
    Did Soap carving as everyone didnt wanna do science. Haha.
    The whole classroom smell soapy-ish.
    Then, evrybody push their table to the sides and nobody bring the chairs to AM6!!!! I guess evryone didnt hear Mrs Ang or couldnt be bothered. ARGH.
    So bad, everybody go lunch liao then only bout 5 of us bring the chair to AM6!
    In the end, only got 3 mins left for lunch!!!
    Yup, We had Prelim Oral today.
    How was it? *laughs*
    Took so long eh, we had to wait longgg.
    So practice hard everyone!

    Homework & Reminders:
    1. Science Revision 3 Q1-46
    2. English Unit 12 ws 1 & 2
    3. English Prelim paper Set 7
    4. Maths Revision 3 Paper 1 & 2
    5. Letter to parents
    6. Soap carving

    Guess thats all.
    Gd luck everyone for their oral! Do your best!

    - Edited by ;Jingrou~
    Burgundyysix ended this post @5:54 PM

    .Friday, July 24, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :

    Okay...I've finally decided to blog.

    So, how was Racial Harmony Day?

    It sucked, we had lessons.

    The worst part: There wasnt even a carnival! WTH.

    They said it was tentative. Argh.

    And...and the " " was damn proud lar! Suckish ass :o

    Many people got/were sick these few days.

    I'll name a few...Hmmm:





    Who else? I forgot.

    K, now for the homework:


    1. Maths corrections for PRE-TEST (Aceing Word Problems)

    2. English Comprehension OE Passage 6

    K, thats all.

    And one more thing, prelim orals are just next week!

    OMG! better practice....Goodbye


    Burgundyysix ended this post @5:29 PM

    .Thursday, July 16, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :
    Omg! Sorry. I'm Super lazy but I'm still blogging:)
    So...hmmm, more and more people getting sick!
    Ahh! Lets see...
    >Li Shan
    & Somemore people I forgot.
    And I had fever that day! Still came to sch. Muahahahaha.
    Ok, really, I think this is serious.
    Hmmm, ytd, Mrs Tan really fierce,
    I think we shld really buck up.
    Study more! Especially science.
    Hmm, our homework:
    1. Pastoral Care Worksheet 6 & 7
    2. Maths Volume Practice 2
    3. Social Studies NE Card due next week
    Guess thats all,
    As im lazy, byebye!
    Burgundyysix ended this post @3:10 PM

    .Saturday, July 11, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :
    Erm, I think the homework are those.
    Not really sure though.
    Err, just that, for those who havent handed up their compo,
    yup 1 extra work :(
    I saw a few students acting just now!
    Cool huh! They look so much better in real-life:)
    Burgundyysix ended this post @9:00 PM

    ' ♥
    ♥ :
    Burgundyysix ended this post @8:55 PM

    ' ♥
    ♥ :


    Okay,, I'm Lazy to blogg so I'll just do a short post k.

    So Urgh, Had to stay back for supp today, and had to stay back extra.

    Interesting Event:

    Denise broke her tooth.Lol

    Okay, now for the homework and reminders:

    1. Maths Revision Paper Set 1 & 2. (Do between the time limit)

    2. English Prelim Revision Paper set 5

    3. Science Set 5

    4. Science Explorer Unit 7

    5. Sewing.

    6. 4 expressions of the same person on drawing block.

    7. Bring art materials next friday (e.g. colour pencils, markers, crayons, etc.)

    I forgot the rest. Will try to update it ASAP.



    Burgundyysix ended this post @12:26 AM

    .Tuesday, July 7, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :
    I'm lazy to blog now,
    so I'll just post the homework
    1. Maths Practice 2
    2. Synthesis Pg 35-38
    3. Science Activity Book Pg 52-55
    4. Science Set 3 & 4 MCQ
    5. Art-those havent handed up
    I think thats all.
    Ok, I go watch Red Thread and the last episode of Fighting Spiders liao.

    Burgundyysix ended this post @7:51 PM

    .Monday, July 6, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :
    Sooryy! Yesterday was tooooooo lazy to blog :) Hehe.
    And thanks Jingrou for updating.
    Finish all your homework? Still got a million more!
    Enjoy this day and may your dreams and wishes come true ;)
    Hehe, so colourful hor.
    Anyone knows about the Wednesday supplementary class thingy? Isit only for CL?
    Erm, I dont think I will be blogging much, either too lazy or too busy.
    So, I will try to do so if possible.
    I have 4 symptoms of the H1N1 liaos! I'am gonna die!!! Touch wood. :lol
    Take care everyone!

    Burgundyysix ended this post @11:00 AM

    .Sunday, July 5, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :
    Burgundyysix ended this post @12:00 AM

    .Saturday, July 4, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :

    Like Jill, I don't have much time to blog since school started..So, since it's the weekends, I decided to check on this website..=D

    Anyways, Ms Teo posted something on her blog on Monday?? and I just found out today...=P


    Hello everyone,

    It seems like the first day of school went pretty well. Although there were many announcements made and some changes to your seating at recess time, lessons could go on as per normal.

    Just a reminder to everyone that life will go on as usual. The only thing that we have to be extra vigilant about is our personal hygiene and we should also be more sensitive to our health. Remember to wash your hands often, especially before you eat and if possible, try not to touch your face at all times. At any time if you feel unwell in school, you should immediately inform me or any teacher who is in class with you. Of course if you are already feeling sick at home, then please do not come to school. If we could all just follow these simple pointers, we should be able to get on with our lives as per normal.

    Signing off here for now! See you in class tomorrow….. And remember to sleep early!!!!

    Good night!

    Miss Teo


    So, take care of your health and you all better not get H1N1!!!hahaha(unless you want the school/our class to close..which many ppl do..right?)


    Burgundyysix ended this post @9:19 PM

    .Friday, July 3, 2009 ' ♥
    ♥ :


    Sorry! No time to blog since school started.

    Prelims are coming, we have to study hard!

    Erm, youth day is coming!

    Another One more day extra! But got homework. Ughs.

    So, here they are:

    1. Maths TextBook Review I-Pgs 58-59 (Do in textbook), Pgs 60-62 (Do on foolscap)

    2. English Unit 9-Comprehension Open ended (Pgs 42-43)

    3. English Practice Paper Set 4

    4. Art Pieces-Latest by 7 July

    5. Science Activity Book-Pgs 52-55

    6. Science Set 3 and 4 MCQ-By Wednesday, 8 July

    7. Social Studies Bklt + NE Card

    I forgot the rest. Lol.

    I'll try update as soon as possible k.

    But meanwhile, I only know those above.

    And one more thing, the supplementary classes on wednesdays are for all languages or only english? Anyone knows?

    Kay, byes.


    Burgundyysix ended this post @8:32 PM

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  • Abhiraahmi Amanda Quek Ashleigh CeriseSix Denise Felicia Fiona Julia Ms Janice Teo Nicole Ling Nicole Weers Rachel Anne Chew Rachel Lee Rachel Tan Sze Min Shalinya Schvelle Teresa Lu Wong Li Shan

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  • About us.

  • BurgundyyySixx ♥

    We Are All From CHIJ Katong
    Primarry :D But Grad sooon!

    We're In Burgundyy 6 , PSLE!
    Should Be 12 This Year
    Unless Some Are Abnormal :x
    Treat everyone with LOVEEE ♥

    We Joke , We Laugh , We Have Fun . As a class ♥

  • Rewind.
  • March 2009; April 2009; May 2009; June 2009; July 2009; October 2009; December 2009;